Friday, October 19, 2007

Day 5: Progress!

In like Flynn! No complaints today. We're locked in at 4% on the running discount, and we proceed to see if we can make it 2 days in a row in our quest for 21 straight days without complaining, criticizing, or gossiping. Saturday should be easier as I'll be surrounded by people all day. Our usual Saturday morning rush of customers will be followed by two - count 'em - two big events. At 4 we host David Domine and his new Kentucky-cooking cookbook. Then at 7, we'll close for a brief snack (probably dinner at La Rosita) and reopen the store at 8 for an All Hallows Party featuring the book launch for "Friends Forever: A Vampyre Tale." Costumes optional, though expected...for the cookbook appearance, of course.

Will Bowen offers this scripture from the apostle Paul in his epistle to the Philippians: Do everything without complaining.

In "A Complaint Free World," the book that is driving this challenge, Bowen gives this advice: After you have gone the months it takes to become a Complaint Free person, you will find that you will have will find that your mind no longer produces the deluge of unhappy thoughts you used to live with. Because you are not speaking them, you have no outlet for them, and the complaint factory in your mind closes down. You have shut off the spigot and the well has dried up. By changing your words, you have reshaped the way you think.

There might be something to that.

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